“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” – 2 Cor. 9:11

As you anticipate gathering with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving this season, would you consider inviting a new family into your family’s story, into this season of thanks? You can do this by choosing to sponsor a new Adera family for a year. Living generously begins at the table, in your home. It begins with recalling all the relationships we are thankful for and how the Lord continues to be near.
Adera has invited 24 new families into our program this past month. They come desiring help and true hope. Through your generosity, you and your family could be the catalyst for both.
“Every time I take a step in the direction of generosity, I know that I am moving from fear to love.”
By Henri Nouwen

Almaz has been part of the Adera story for a long time, and her personal story is one of help and true hope. Once finding herself homeless, with two babies desperate for daily bread, Almaz had no option but to forage the city landfill, gathering garbage into an old rice bag. Often she carried it precariously balanced on her head, with a toddler around her legs and a baby in a scarf tied to her back. Almaz did everything she could to care for her family and give them shelter, building a small lean-to on the top of an old septic tank. Searching for a source of hope, she cried out to the Lord and He answered her. Adera heard about her plight and invited her into the program. And while Almaz agreed to join the Adera family, she came feeling worthless and alone. But the staff reached out with arms of hope, offering her a place for her baby in the daycare as well as an invitation for her to join other women in the beadhouse. Yet, her thoughts of unworthiness followed her. Why would this group of women want her as part of their group? Soon her fears were quickly eased. The women warmly embraced her. And now, as an important part of the beadhouse, Almaz is earning a salary that will provide for her family. The Lord answered her cries for help and she received true hope. She says, “Now I carry a bag like other women, and no longer do I have to carry a bag of trash on my head.” The Lord is the source of Almaz’s hope, and through Adera’s extended arms, she is realizing her worth. Consider extending an invitation to families like Almaz’s. Your family can enter into a story of hope, one that is waiting just for you!
Pray with us!
- Pray that 100% of our families will be sponsored by this holiday season!
- Pray for one more English teacher in the daycare.
- Pray for our new families joining the Daycare, that the moms will feel supported.
- Pray for the new school year and that the Adera students will reach their full potential.
"Adera Foundation shares the gospel in both word and deed transforming the lives of the poor with help and true hope."
Making Jewelry with a Purpose