When you first walk into the Adera daycare in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, one of the most striking features is the wall adorned with pictures of Adera donors. This wall isn’t just a decoration; it’s a symbol of the global community that supports Adera’s mission. The images represent donors from 47 different states and four continents, showcasing the diverse and far-reaching support for Adera families. These donors come from all walks of life, from modest backgrounds to affluent means, united by a common purpose: to provide hope and support to families in need!

The Heartfelt Story of a Dedicated Donor
Among these generous supporters, one story stands out. Since 2012, a donor of extremely humble means has been contributing $100 a month to support a family through Adera. When they first made this commitment, they lived in a modest 650-square-foot home, with two small children and were still in school. Despite their financial challenges, they were determined to give, embodying the spirit behind the story of the widow’s mite. When questioned about their decision, they simply responded, “Why would we not support a family?” Their unwavering dedication exemplifies the profound impact of compassionate giving.
How Donors Connect with Adera
Most donors typically hear about Adera through our sponsored events or personal connections. Their initial exposure to Adera’s mission introduces them to the families of Korah, who face formidable challenges just to survive. The opportunity to assist mothers who desperately desire to care for their children is both compelling and fulfilling. By contributing to Adera, our donors help keep families together! Many mothers, burdened by their inability to properly care for their children, are forced to place them in government orphanages. Others, desperate to find any kind of income to subsidize their family’s needs, become vulnerable to abuse and human trafficking. But our donors provide a loving and time-proven alternative that empowers and strengthens these precious families and, ultimately, the nation of Ethiopia.

Staying Connected and Making a Difference
Adera donors are not just financial supporters; they actively engage with the families, students, or programs in which they invest. This month, our donors who sponsor a child, received a nylon backpack accompanied by a list of education supplies and other items with which to fill it. These personalized packs, along with a heartfelt note, are collected and will be delivered to the children by visiting guests in August, reinforcing the ongoing love and supportfrom the donors.
Community United by Love
Adera’s donors range in age from 7 to 94 years old, representing a variety of backgrounds but sharing a common principle: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Their contributions are not measured by the amount given but by the love and intention they represent.
As Mother Teresa said, “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” Similarly, Ben Carson reminds us, “Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” The Adera community embodies these sentiments, demonstrating that true happiness and fulfillment come from selfless acts of kindness and support.
Pray with us!
Please pray for favor with the Ministry of Finance – they are considering giving Adera property for the Adera Academy.
Please pray for the hiring of qualified, Christian teachers for the Adera student to excel.
Pray for an additional social worker and 2 KG teachers.
Pray for the Oct 27th event, that the Lord would draw hearts to His work in Addis Ababa
“Adera Foundation shares the gospel in both word and deed transforming the lives of the poor in Ethiopia giving help and true hope.”
Adera Designs is now at Vanderbilt, Univ. of Georgia, Baylor, and Univ. of Florida!