Elise Jordan reflection on a special unforeseen moment in Addis Ababa – “We’ve been dreaming about our family going on a summer mission trip since our babies were little bitty. Tommy and I have always supported local and foreign missions with prayer and giving, but this summer we got to experience what it’s like to go. All six of us! Letters went out with prayer and the planning began. The tears surprised me every time one of our green envelopes came back with money and a sweet note of encouragement. We were blown away by all the people that gave and prayed over our family. We didn’t know how God would use us. We just wanted to be willing. We wanted to give our kids an opportunity to hand God their fears and trust him. What a joy to step back and see it happen in a Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The Adera Foundation was so gracious to incorporate us into their daily work. We served lunches to the poorest in the public school and washed dishes alongside them. I must say, at least on the first day, I was completely distracted from the people by the condition of their surroundings. I wanted to fix it all for them. I wanted to buy them all new uniforms and shoes that fit. The whole school seemed in need of a bulldozer. It took a group of young girls who invited us to worship with them to change my perspective. Beautiful voices singing Amharic words I couldn’t understand, but their hearts were full of joy as they sang over us. It was a moment for The Spirit to open my heart and show me that these sisters shared my Savior. I felt comfortable for the first time. Our surroundings didn’t matter. There was a visible love. No need for translation. It’s recognizable in their countenance. It gave me courage to share my testimony later that week at a dinner. I talked about the unconditional love that was offered to me when I couldn’t earn the love of my parents. When my family was dismembered by unforgiveness and bitterness destroyed everything I’d known God took my sin farther than the east is from the west. He gave me precious grace and claimed me. I encouraged the women at the dinner to trust the depth of God’s love. One woman spoke to my translator afterward to say she had hidden her abortion from God, but now believed he could forgive her. What a joy to know God is faithful wherever we are, even to make us willing.” Elise Jordan