After one of our children graduates from kindergarten, the entire family migrates from Family Sponsorship Program into the Education Sponsorship Program.
This allows us to continue to provide support but in a way that will best meet the new challenges of both the student and their parents. To break the cycle of poverty plaguing so many of our families, each child must have the hope of receiving a quality education.

At the same time, we continue to provide the parents with ongoing career development and personal improvement opportunities. The goal of the Education Sponsorship Program is to nurture the student through the transitional years of grades 1-8. But our commitment to the family remains the same – to assist them with the resources they need to become self-supporting and capable of providing their child with a stable and secure home environment in which to learn, grow, and prosper.
Deepening the education impact involves:
Adera walks alongside the student to develop and encourage their success
- Ongoing personal assessment
- Tutoring
- English classes
- Phonics training
- Character building
- Computer skills
- Spiritual development
- Daily school lunches
- School supplies and uniforms
Adera walks alongside the parent for personal growth and wisdom in their parenting skills
- Parents demonstrate a shared commitment by partnering with Adera through attending monthly meetings and ongoing communication for their child’s success.
Adera walks alongside the school for ongoing development and support
- Curriculum enhancement
- Teacher development and support
- Teachers with expertise in specific fields
- Volunteers for support and afterschool instruction
- Summer programs
- Facility enhancement
At a recent moms’ dinner Adera introduced the idea of “blessing your child.” The parents found this idea difficult to comprehend because many of them had never received a blessing from their own parents. That evening, they were provided with specific verbiage and given opportunities to role play. The following month they came back to the dinner and shared how they had “blessed” their child for the first time! Education goes way beyond the classroom.
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”
2 Peter 3:18

Hiber Primary School Partnership
(also known as the Adera Feeding Program)
Adera is committed to provide support and improved education opportunities for as many children as possible in the Korah community.
By providing support and programming to Hiber Primary School, Adera is able to reach hundreds of students in the Korah area.The feeding program meets a practical and essential need. Adera firmly believes that a student cannot learn on an empty stomach.
- Every day Adera provides hot, nutritious lunches to 300 students based on need.
- Because many of these students have little or nothing to eat at home, this meal may be the only one they have that day.
- Through relationships established by the feeding program, Adera staff are able to nurture the students’ minds as well by encouraging them in their studies.
- Providing nourishment for the students’ bodies and minds demonstrates to them the love of Jesus.
- After school programs include: Guitar Lessons, Soccer Club, educational support, computer labs, and ongoing meaningful relationships for students.
Many students find themselves on the streets or home alone during the after-school hours. Adera’s programs offer safety and helpful training for the students.

Literacy Classes
In order to provide job opportunities and increase quality of life, Adera provides literacy classes for our parents..
- Training programs enhance both business and social skills
- Participants are then matched with an external training program in a particular vocation
- Once training is complete, Adera assists in creating a small business or finding employment with a local business in Addis Ababa
- Adera continues to provide both counseling and guidance throughout the employment process to ensure ongoing success
- Our goal is to equip parents to provide for the needs of their families
Open Door Employment Program
Through the Open Door Employment Program, Adera seeks to provide sustainable employment opportunities for parents.
- Training programs enhance both business and social skills
- Participants are then matched with an external training program in a particular vocation
- Once training is complete, Adera assists in creating a small business or finding employment with a local business in Addis Ababa
- Adera continues to provide both counseling and guidance throughout the employment process to ensure ongoing success
- Our goal is to equip parents to provide for the needs of their families.
Please select “Open Door Employment Program” as your designation.