Let’s Celebrate Moms!

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” Adera values moms, no matter where they live or who they mother. They are a priceless commodity. “Strong families remain the best anti-poverty, anti-crime, pro-health, pro-prosperity institution, and we have moms to thank for much […]
Adera Bead Parties

About the Bead Parties
The Adera Bead Parties are a gathering of friends for fun with a purpose.
At the parties you will string your own necklace or bracelet and will take home your jewelry to wear. 100% of the proceeds from your jewelry go directly to change a woman’s life to help sustain her family in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Education Provides Security

The Adera Foundation has a dream to transform the fortunes of those who call Korah home.
Security for Women!

Savings and Loan Aspect of SHG: As members build their relationships with one another, they are also building their capital by saving small amounts of money each month. The amount to be saved is a group decision and the money is placed in a common bank account (opened by three leaders of the group). Each […]
We invite you to give a gift that keeps giving all year long!

Adera has 79 new families in our daycare as of Nov 2022 that need a family sponsor! We would love to celebrate the coming new year fully sponsored! Would you and your family consider giving the gift of hope and true help this season with the sponsoring of a family or two? One family is […]
Adera is thankful for you!

Adera donors come from all backgrounds and demographics but share a common heart and goal: to create a lasting impact on the Adera families and students by walking alongside them. Each of you plays a vital role in bringing help and true hope to those in need. While we know we can’t do everything for everyone, we can always do something for someone. As […]
Education Counts

Oct 2, Adera celebrated our eleventh year serving the community called Korah in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The guests at the “Education Counts” event were so attentive to the needs, and we were able to raise funds for 40 students’ tuition, school supplies, school lunches, monthly parents’ dinners, uniforms and teachers for English, character, computer and tutoring. […]
When I Grow Up…

New School, New Opportunities!

On September 12, Adera will be helping 174 students enter Trinity School. Last year we discovered that their former school was not providing the high standards we expect for our students, so we decided to make a change. We were fortunate to discover Negestie, the owner/director of Trinity, located within the very community Adera serves. […]
Development takes time!

When I was four years old, my mom took her first trip with the Adera Foundation to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I remember the day she took off, leaving me standing at the airport gate to wonder what could possibly be important enough that it could take her away from me. My mother returned from this […]