My Adera Story: Eliza Peacock

Even after three trips to Ethiopia, I find myself learning so many new things. As always, I am struck by the culture of joy and gratitude despite the climate of poverty and destitution. I also admire the faith of the people here. It is such an inspiration to see people who cling so closely to God. They have no money or materials to lean on, so they trust God completely with their lives, something the Bible commands all believers to do.
Vickie Stevens

Board Member
Program Committee
Dr. John Shroyer, DDS, PA

Board Member
Development Committee
Kristen McDonald

Board Member
Scott Lydick

Board Member
Patrick Lamers, Ed.D.

Board Member
Cindy Hayes

Board Member
Dr. Rick Granaghan

Board Member
Tom Dolny

Board Member
Dr. Janice Cobb

Board Member
Board Secretary