Because a strong education is the foundation for a strong nation, Adera is committed to to helping parents and communities provide excellent education opportunities for children.
Adera has founded its own daycare center that is a part of our family preservation work. Not only does the daycare center allow single mothers to find employment and provide for their families, but it also ensures that the children in the center receive nutritious meals, clean clothes, medical care, and a wonderful preschool education. Every day the children of Adera’s daycare sit in rows, eagerly listening to their teacher.
Once children graduate from Adera’s preschool daycare program, they have the opportunity, thanks to generous sponsors like you, to attend Charisma School, an excellent local private school. We believe that these children, who are hearing the Gospel and receiving a superb education, will be lasting change-agents in the nation of Ethiopia. Adera also supports the learning of other local students at the Hiber Primary school by providing a free, hot lunch for over 200 students every day. Education is not for the children alone.
Adera has also developed literacy classes for our parents, graduating 11 moms from level one in the first year. For the first time, many of these women no longer have to give their thumbprint on legal documents, but can sign their own names.
Adera is committed to to helping parents and communities provide excellent education opportunities for children.
We believe these children, who are hearing the Gospel and receiving a superb education, will be lasting change-agents in the nation of Ethiopia.
You can designate your donation to go directly to our education programs.